Mon. 27th & Tue. 28th September

This time every year there is an influx of potential new members to Exeter University GC. In the past this has caused a fair amount of disruption to normal DSGC operations when several car loads of students arrive to fly. Edd, this year's Captain, suggested a couple of "taster days" outside normal flying days to take the pressure. Fresher's Day was last Sunday, the taster days were set for the following two days - a brilliant idea, thwarted by the weather.
Unfortunately, after the first 3 launches the weather deteriorated with cloud base down to 500 ft. However, 12 students enjoyed a short briefing session from the instructors, and hope to return and fly with the club at a later date.
A glorious morning, sunny and clear, enabled 6 students to get a flight, in some cases 2 flights. The good conditions lasted until lunchtime, when mist and low cloud stopped flying again.
Around 24 students expressed an initial interest in gliding as a “taster”, so Edd is hoping that this will be consolidated into actual membership of the Exeter University Gliding Club.
Thanks to the 3 instructors Pete H, Roly and Robin. Thanks also to the ground crew, especially Dave and Don, as well as some of the former and present members of the University Club who so expertly helped with every aspect. W W-F