Saturday 25th - Talgarth

Original plan was Parham but it didn't look like the wind was going to be quite right for the ridge there(we were wrong-damn), so a late change of plan saw Pete S(230), Simon M(SM) and JB(KJW) take a very early trip North to Talgarth with Henry(CVV) following later in the day.

What a fall back plan this turned out to be! Thermals a plenty to 3,500' + QFE, the ridge from Talgarth to Hay Bluff was working and the viz was possibly the best I have ever seen. SM managed a small wave climb to about 4,800' but it collapsed quickly and that was that, no more wave!
Simon did a couple of site checks for visiting pilots before launching but I think the 3 early birds did between 4 and 5 hours each and Henry a couple of hours but he probably had the best views as the sun set over the hills and valleys and made some beautiful shadows - Henry carrying on his North Hill tradition was the last glider to land.

I came back last night but it looks like the others are going to have another cracking day - perhaps one of leftovers could take some pictures. And many thanks to Henry who did just that - excellent pics too.