Portmoak, Thursday 7th April

The day that promised 1000 km flights turned out to be less than expected. Ron with a planned 300 km, was first away in the wave in the ASH with Ian Hunt, ran the ridge for two beats and stepped out into the wave. Simon Minson and Mark (with Nick H) delcared 300 km, all climbed to 10,000 ft before setting off. Due to 8/8ths cloud over the mountains, all three aborted their tasks, they enjoyed wave flights over the Creef and Pitlockery area at 9,000 ft.

Back at Portmoak, the rest of the crew were struggling to contact the wave. The hill was always a reliable save so that continued attempts could be made.

Ron returned in the ASH for another P2, this time taking Chris Davidson (Dasher's son) and took him over to the mountains over Loch Tay for another high wave flight.

When the group found wave, Jim-bob set off on a 50 km task, reached the turn point and radioed to Simon Minson that he was at 1,500 and would be in a field soon. Mark and Henry to the rescue, in the mean time James managed a climb away to 9,000 ft getting halfway back to base. James landed at Angus gliding club where three members (of the 10) helped derig. These three guys were repairing their winch ... since last October. However, when fully functional it still isn't powerful enough to launch them into the regular wave (How frustrating!)

Rowan got his Silver duration, five Hours, mainly on the ridge. Paul summers had over six hours in his Cirrus. Nick Harrison had an evening flight up to 7,600 ft (Personal solo best). The whole group could stay airborne for as long as they needed or until the hunger drove then to land.

A truly awesome day, with climbs to over 10,000 ft over Loch Leven common.