Friday 27th May - Task week

The morning forecast suggested a bit of flattish ridging, wind dropping slightly but would the cloudbase increase sufficiently? The task was set NHL-DOR-TIV-NHL, but RASP showed better conditions on Exmoor initially then later in Dorset - so Ron gave the option to do the task either way.
The late morning was spent trying to find the elusive wave. We all tried the normal trigger places for a north westerly but only Ron and Phil ASH25 711 and Rowan Libelle CLM managed the transition. Ron and Phil got up to the base of the airway.
Some turned Tiverton first and others went back to North Hill for a restart. The run down to Dorchester had a 14knots tailwind and cloudbase rose up to 4000ft QFE and the run back into wind was by now streeting and provided a 48km final glide for some.
The 158km task was completed by
Ron and Phil ASH25 711
Pete St Discus 230
Matt ASW20 M5
Pete and Jill Duo Discus OL
JB Ventus KJW

Chris W and James DG505 JZK glid out and landed at Tiverton (in the wave down), Nick R Junior KHA turned Dorchester and landed in the same field at Tiverton hours later, having completed a very creditable 136km.

Daniel ASW20 611 turned Dorchester but enjoyed a final glide to North Hill.

Two good days on the task week this year, thanks to Ron for organising / mentoring, and to Robert, Mike and Barbie for tugging.