Wednesday 22nd May - Task week

It  was yet another grey start, but cloudbase was a little higher and the Wednesday members started flying. Tasks were set, based on the non too promising forecast. A small racing task  Tiverton East, Culmstock 21.8km and a longer but very optimistic task.
Pete St Discus 230 made a couple of runs round the short task and Matt ASW24 163 in his new toy at least one.
But then the sky cleared in the blink of an eye to a clear sky with a brisk NNW wind.
Roly  on a 'mile high trial lesson flight' made the call about wave and Matt the all-important call on how and where to contact it – there were good thermals too.
The wave was good and consistent up to the base of the airway and over a wide area – Pete St, Matt and Wyn LS7 W7 made the most of it, Wyn flying for over 6 hours!
Wyn in the wave
 Not quite what we had planned for a task week task but what a fantastic fallback and a real bonus this time of year – warm wave, give me more! - PSt
In the evening, a group from Teign Scouts enjoyed some spectacular views in the clear air, 
Climbing in wave

and James found some late evening wave in the sunset.