Tuesday 18th June - La Motte

SE wind forecast and hot. It's going to be difficult to get away.
Christian did the first scrape away and then I took the first thermal climb to 3000 m. We played around between 2800 and 3300 near Blayeul (20 k. ESE of site) trying to reach the wave but failed. Then off to the east of Gap to Mtgne de Ceuse to do some 'work' on the ridge. Airbrake down to tree height and given controls to climb the rock face. Steady at 110 kph and a few seconds later we are shooting over the top of the cliff face. Great fun. Calculate height required for safe return and check out some more land out fields on the way.
2 hours of concentration to return to tea and watch the NH trio M5 611 and JB launch for their afternoon foray.- Wyn