Wednesday 22nd April

The present run of High Pressure Easterlies continues with a strong wind and bright sun.
The two K21s and a Junior were walked to the west end of the field, Mike Fitz and JSt were again first off to bat yet again, without much expectation of any soaring in the strong wind. The launch was very rough and the air was full of rotor, after a 15min struggle, Mike managed to contact good strong wave, John Si took the second cable and contacted wave at the top of the launch, both K21s climbed to 3,000ft.
Matt in M5, much enthused by the wave launched on the 3rd cable but could not contact the wave, but managed to stay up for over 2hrs in very difficult and tiring conditions.
Aston getting ready to fly
 The difficult conditions continued until about 4pm when good strong thermals gave easy climbs to well over 2,000ft.
We finished flying about 5.30 after everyone had flown on a very interesting day. - JSt