Good Friday 25th March

A Bank Holiday flying day at the club today, with the weather forecast for the Easter weekend suggesting this might be the only respectable day and even soarable! Luckily Mark C had offered himself up as 'responsible adult' for the day to enable flying to take place. A very large number of members (30) turned up keen to take advantage - possibly the busiest day of the year so far.
Instructing kicked off with Stuart P and Mark C flying with Ellie and Sam. In between instructing, Mark also flew the tug to enable Roly and Heather to take an aerotow. A blue sky hid some thermals, and extended flights were available from early on.
Busy launchpoint (Mark C)
Private glider owners turned up in force (14) all expectant of a good day having looked at RASP and the launch point was very hectic at times. Such was the expectation, that even Paul S rigged and enjoyed a three and a half hour flight. Conditions lower down were varying with some luck involved in getting away, so Jess S took the opportunity to show Matt Wi exactly how to do it ;). A few instructors took the opportunity for ‘friends and family’ flights - Lisa flying her Mum and Matt Wr flying Maddie.
Lisa flies her Mum (Lisa)
John P spent the morning tinkering with his Lak 12 HOG. He was seen removing enough cable to wire an entire glider along with various instruments from his glider. He then proceeded to have the longest flight of the day, over 4 hours almost getting to Okehampton. Obviously whatever was removed had the desired effect.
Pete St Discus 230 visited Bampton, Eaglescott and Taunton for 143kms, finding some good climbs to 4500ft on the edge of the sea air near Taunton, where he met Pete B in K6 HEB.
Empty Launch point and great looking sky (Mark C)
After feeling less enthusiastic earlier in the day, Lizzie had an excellent lesson, finding and climbing up to well over 3000ft.
Wave setting up (Mark C)
During the afternoon the wind slowly went more southerly and the South ridge started to work. A few members with no homes to go to, hung around at the end of the day cooking food and generally making a mess in the kitchen.
Many thanks to the Instructors that agreed to open the Club and instruct on what turned out to be a beautiful Bank Holiday's gliding with 47 winch launches, 11 aerotows and just short of 50 hours soaring. - Good Friday dining group