Wednesday 28th December

Most members left home in freezing fog with sub-zero temperatures and the prospect of a southeasterly wind -  so it was no surprise there were few members here today.
North Hill (Lisa Humphries)
Well - the last Wednesday of 2016 went out with some superb flying. Apart from the first two flights all launches contacted wave at the top of the winch launch, the wave was strong and easy with every  flight having to airbrake it down after 45min so all could fly. 
Above the clouds (John Street)

Richard from Dartmoor joined us today and joined in the fun.
John Street & Richard Roberts in K21 (Rich Roberts)
Lisa was treated to a Sillett special descent shaking up the Christmas leftovers.
John Sillett just before the upside down bit (Lisa Humphries)

So with wave experience being a first for some members, lets hope the winter continues with some good flying. - John Street