Sunday 12th March

There are times in life when one has to be patient, very patient and today was one of those days. The forecast suggested that there might be better weather as the day unfolded but as ever the uncertainty ensured that the Club was not particularly busy with members at the start of the day. With a high humidity level it was no surprise that the airfield was surrounded by low cloud meaning no flying for a while.

Some members fettled gliders, others ordered breakfast, some drank tea and coffee - everyone patiently waiting for the weather to improve. Mid-morning there was sufficient optimism re the cloud base for the hangar to be unpacked and ground equipment set up for launches to the North West. However after much looking at the sky a decision was made to have more tea and coffee.
Launching into a murky sky (Mike Sloggett)
And then it was thought that the cloud base had lifted sufficiently so it was up to the launch point to see whether the cloud base was as high as it seemed to be. Two launches of a K21 in to a murky sky and the answer was known - not high enough.
It was murky (Mike Sloggett)
So lunch followed and then with a steadily brightening sky, as well as a freshening Northerly wind, it was decided that the ridge might just be working in places so a decision was made to re-start flying.
A brightening sky (Mike Sloggett)
And the decision was endorsed with flights of various length during the afternoon by both K21s taking advantage of various parts of the ridge working well, balanced with other parts not working well.

With everyone who wanted to fly having the opportunity to maintain currency their patience was rewarded suitably. Thanks to everyone for working together to get other members into the air today. - Mike Sloggett