Tuesday 16th May - Fayence

Today I took a launch at 11:00am and flew the local ridge until I found a thermal to cloud base 7,000 feet over the site. Headed north in fairly strong lift. 
The wind changed somewhere on the trip and I failed to understand where the lift was, so I got prepared to land at Thorame, only to come across a beautiful buzzard, who led me back to cloudbase. 
Thermal Assistant - not yet available on an Oudie! (Wyn Davies)
 There was more cloud hopping than mountain soaring to-day, with reliable lift and staggering sink in between. Had a long glide over the valley at GAP on the way to Pic de Bure, to find the  sun-warmed rocks of Mtgne de Charance to propel me back to a comfortable height, before going over the snow covered mountain. The soaring back was pleasant with a predictable sky, and plenty of height in reserve. 
Pic De Bure (Wyn Davies)
The fragrance of crushed  lavender  greets you at the end of the flight. A pleasant day out in the mountains. - Wyn and Marie