Sunday 27th August

Arriving at the club today for the afternoon shift of launch point marshall duty, I expected a detailed hand-over from Mr Williamson who was on the morning shift.  As it turned out, I was just in time to see Ron Johns launch in the ASH.  "Who's flying with him?".  "Matthew Williamson" came the reply!  However, having inspected the list and noting the four people awaiting training I did manage to forgive him.  

The weather was glorious and the sky was improving by the minute.  Jill and Pete Harmer in OL and Pete Startup in 230 followed Ron & Matthew into the air to make the most of the conditions.  Mike Sloggett was enjoying flying his own glider ENW after a busy course week.  Simon Minson swapped instructor hats with Ian Mitchell who got busy putting Josh Funnell through his paces before sending him off for an excellent soaring flight.  Mike squeezed in a trial lesson in between ASW20 flights with Linda who has to be congratulated on conquering her fear.  The beautiful weather was bringing in the visitors with two 'walk-ins' - Sarah and Matthew flying with Simon and Ian respectively, Matthew taking the opportunity to have the full mile high experience.
James and Lisa in G-CDSC and Stu and Guy in B-BKVG
James Hood with Lisa Humphries and Stuart Proctor with Guy Adams took the motor gliders to visit Dorset gliding club for a cup of tea.  On her return Lisa took the opportunity to take a K21 for an early evening flight and found copious amounts of lift, reaching 3000ft from the launch in about 5 minutes!

The cross country pilots had started to drift in - Pete Startup and Ron & Matthew both making Dorchester  124Kms  using blue wispies to get there and a weak sea breeze convergence to get home. Jill and Pete had hung around for a bit waiting for the cloudbase to rise, and then a couple of streets just appeared, so they followed the energy to South Molton and back. 
A great day in the sun :) - Tim Peters